Author | Sousa, Ana Paula Cavalcanti de | |
Author | Gurgel, Clarissa Araújo Silva | |
Author | Ramos, Eduardo Antônio Gonçalves | |
Author | Trindade, Renan Ferreira | |
Author | Valverde, Ludmila de Faro | |
Author | Carneiro, Tuânia Soares | |
Author | Cangussú, Maria Cristina Teixeira | |
Author | Pinheiro, Antonio Luiz Barbosa | |
Author | Santos, Jean Nunes dos | |
Access date | 2015-05-20T18:16:19Z | |
Available date | 2015-05-20T18:16:19Z | |
Document date | 2014 | |
Citation | SOUSA, A. P. C. et al. Infrared LED light therapy influences the expression of fibronectin and tenascin in skin wounds of malnourished rats--a preliminary study.Acta Histochemica, v. 116, n. 7, p. 1185-1191, 2014. | pt_BR |
ISSN | 1618-0372 | |
URI | | |
Language | eng | pt_BR |
Publisher | Elsevier | pt_BR |
Rights | open access | pt_BR |
Title | Infrared LED light therapy influences the expression of fibronectin and tenascin in skin wounds of malnourished rats--a preliminary study. | pt_BR |
Type | Article | pt_BR |
DOI | | |
Abstract | tThe aim of this investigation was to evaluate the effect of infrared ( 846 ± 20 nm) LED irradiation onthe expression profile of the extracellular matrix protein components, tenascin and fibronectin on skinwounds induced in well nourished and malnourished rats. Eighteen albino rats (21 days old) were ran-domly divided into a well-nourished group (standard diet) and a malnourished group (regional basic diet).After receiving the diet for 70 days, skin wounds were created and the animals were subdivided into threegroups: well-nourished control (n = 6), malnourished control (n = 6), and malnourished + LED irradiated( 846 ± 20 nm, 100 mW, 4 J/cm2) (n = 6). The animals were sacrificed 3 and 7 days after injury and histo-logical sections were immunostained for both proteins. They were examined for the presence, intensity,distribution and pattern of immunolabeling. At 3 days, the distribution of tenascin was shown to begreater in the wound bed of malnourished animals compared to the well-nourished group. The intensityand distribution of tenascin was shown to be lower in the malnourished LED irradiated group comparedto the malnourished control. There was a significant difference regarding the presence of fibronectinin the malnourished and well-nourished groups after 7 days (p = 0.03). The intensity of fibronectin wasslight (100%) in the irradiated group and moderate to intense in the malnourished control group. Theresults of the present study indicate that infrared LED irradiation modulates positively the expression oftenascin and particularly fibronectin | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Laboratory of Surgical Pathology. School of Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Laboratory of Surgical Pathology. School of Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Laboratório de Patologia e Biologia Molecular. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Center of Biophotonics. School of Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Laboratório de Patologia e Biologia Molecular. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Food Biochemistry Laboratory. School of Nutrition. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Oral Epidemiology and Pediatric Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Laboratory of Surgical Pathology. School of Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Affilliation | Federal University of Bahia. Laboratory of Surgical Pathology. School of Dentistry. Salvador, BA, Brasil | pt_BR |
Subject | Malnourishment | pt_BR |
Subject | Undernourishment | pt_BR |
Subject | Wound healing | pt_BR |
Subject | Light therapy | pt_BR |
Subject | LED phototherapy | pt_BR |
Subject | Tenascin | pt_BR |
Subject | Fibronectin | pt_BR |