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Estudo Colaborativo Latino-Americano de Malformações Congênitas
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Estudo Colaborativo Latino-Americano de Malformações Congênitas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil / ECLAMC at CEMIC. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigación Clínica. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
International Centre for Birth Defects. International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research. Rome, Italy.
ECLAMC at CEMIC. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigación Clínica. Buenos Aires, Argentina / ECLAMC at IMBICE. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biologia Celular. La Plata, Argentina.
ECLAMC at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
ECLAMC at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Departamento de Genética. Estudo Colaborativo Latino-Americano de Malformações Congênitas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.
International Centre for Birth Defects. International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research. Rome, Italy.
ECLAMC at CEMIC. Centro de Educación Médica e Investigación Clínica. Buenos Aires, Argentina / ECLAMC at IMBICE. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biologia Celular. La Plata, Argentina.
ECLAMC at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
ECLAMC at Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Departamento de Genética. Estudo Colaborativo Latino-Americano de Malformações Congênitas. Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Brasil.
Sirenomelia and cyclopia share etiologic and pathogenic
characteristics. A cluster of these two patterns of malformation
in the city of Cali, Colombia, is described. Four
sirenomelia and four cyclopia cases were born within a
165 days period in one hospital in Cali. The lapse between
conception dates of first and last cases was shorter for
sirenomelia (53 days) than for cyclopia (231 days). Based on
ECLAMC (Latin American Collaborative Study of Congenital
Malformations) published data, the observed/expected ratio
(5.7) for both defects is statistically significant (P<0.001).
Mother’s residence during the first trimester of pregnancy is
concentrated in a same city quarter for four of the eight cases,
close to a know polluting active landfill, and the other four
cases, along the Cauca river, downstream from this landfill.
Birth prevalence rates for two sentinel anomalies, that is, anal
and esophageal atresia for sirenomelia and oral clefts for
DeMyer holoprosencephaly spectra, were not higher in Cali
than in the rest of ECLAMC material. The Computer Assisted
Telephone Interviewing was applied to mothers of the 8
patients, and 32 matched controls. Seven of 295 variables
were associated with sirenomelia, 3 of them related to house
tap water, one to exposure to street drugs, one to physical
injury, and 2 secondary to abnormal pregnancy outcome.
None was associated with cyclopia. Results from hair dosage
of heavy metals in the 8 patient’s mothers were inconsistent.
The time-space cluster is nonrandom for sirenomelia, and
possibly random for cyclopia. The polluting landfill remains
as a possible etiological factor.
Keywords in Portuguese
América do SulEstudo Colaborativo Latino-Americano de Malformações Congênitas