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Pascom, Ana Roberta Pati | Fecha del documento:
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Practices associated with HIV infection among women in Brazil, particularly in female sex workersAutor
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sérgio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Resumen en portugues
O presente trabalho, apresentado sob a forma de três artigos, teve por objetivo investigar as práticas relacionadas à infecção pelo HIV na população feminina brasileira e, em particular, entre as mulheres trabalhadoras do sexo (TS). No primeiro artigo, são analisadas as informações provenientes da Pesquisa de Conhecimentos Atitudes e Práticas (PCAP) de 2008, com o objetivo de investigar as diferenças por sexo nas práticas relacionadas à infecção pelo HIV na população brasileira de 15 a 64 anos. Os resultados mostraram que as mulheres têm menor taxa de atividade sexual, iniciam a vida sexual mais tardiamente e têm menos parceiros casuais do que os homens. No entanto, o uso de preservativo é menor entre as mulheres: enquanto a proporção de uso regular de preservativo no último ano, entre os homens, foi de 51 por cento, entre as mulheres, foi de 34,6 por cento. Da mesma forma, outros indicadores de práticas sexuais de risco indicaram a maior vulnerabilidade das mulheres, em comparação com a população masculina. Por outro lado, a cobertura de teste de HIV é significativamente maior entre as mulheres (45,6 por cento) quando comparadas aos homens (27,2 por cento). No segundo artigo, foi feita revisão bibliográfica com busca sistemática de trabalhos científicos para identificar as metodologias de amostragem usadas em estudos para estimar a taxa de prevalência do HIV entre as trabalhadoras do sexo. Foram identificados 75 estudos, dos quais 63 utilizaram amostras de conveniência, limitando a possibilidade de fazer inferências estatísticas para o grupo das TS. Em 35 estudos analisados, o tamanho de amostra não estava adequado para a estimação da taxa de prevalência do HIV e apenas quatro estudos atenderam aos critérios de qualidade utilizados no trabalho (tamanho de amostra era adequado para estimar da taxa de prevalência do HIV; uso de método probabilístico de amostragem; e consideração do desenho de amostragem na análise)
Resumen en ingles
This work was presented in the form of three articles aimed at investigating the practices related to HIV infection among women in Brazil and in particular among female sex workers (FSW). In the first article, we analyzed the information from the Knowledge Attitudes and Practice Survey (PCAP), 2008, in order to examine gender differences in practices related to HIV infection in the Brazilian population aged 15 to 64 years. The results showed that women who have lower rates of sexual activity, have become sexually active later and they have had fewer casual partners than men. However, condom use islower among women: while the proportion of regular condom use over the past year among men was 51 percent, among women was 34.6 percent. Like wise, other indicators of risky sexual practices suggest greater vulnerability of women, compared with the male population. Further more, coverage of HIV testing is significantly higher among women (45.6 percent) when compared with men (27.2 percent). In the second article we conducted a review with a systematic search of scientific studies to identify the sampling methodology used in studies to estimate the prevalence of HIV among FSW. We identified 75 studies, of which 63 have used convenience sampling method, limiting the possibility of making statistical inferences for the group of FSW. In 35 studies analyzed, the sample size was not adequate to estimate HIV prevalence rate and only four studies met the quality criteria used in the study (sample size was adequate to estimate the HIV prevalence, use of probabilistic sampling, and consideration of sampling design during analysis). Summarizing, it was observed that, from 2005 there are a growing number of papers that estimated HIV prevalence rate among FSW using probability sampling, representing a breakt hrough 8 for the analysis and monitoring of risk practices and the rate of HIV prevalence among this group.
The third article described the knowledge and practices related to HIV infection, and investigated the occurrence of signs of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among FSW. (...) In conclusive terms, we showed that the FSW still have significant weaknesses in relation to the adoption of preventive measures. The inconstancies in safe sex practices, not only with steady partners, but also with clients, as well as the lesser known forms of HIV transmission compared with the general female population, show the need for reassessment of prevention policies directed to this group population, with specific attention to social vulnerability, stigma and discrimination, which restrict the access of women to health services and public policies.