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Incontinência Urinária
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Transtornos Urinários
Alternative title
Clinical diagnosis of bladder dysfunction in enuretic children and adolescentsAffilliation
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Abstract in Portuguese
Objetivo: Estimar o valor preditivo da presença de sintomas urinários diurnos para o diagnóstico de disfunção miccional em crianças e adolescentes enuréticos atendidos no Ambulatório de Urodinâmica do Instituto Fernandes Figueira. Métodos: De junho de 1999 a maio de 2002, foram avaliados 91 pacientes, entre 5 e 17 anos de idade, portadores de enurese, mono ou polissintomática, através de anamnese, mapa da micção, exame físico e estudo urodinâmico. A anamnese baseou-se em um modelo desenvolvido para detecção de sintomas urinários diurnos. O valor preditivo da presença destes sintomas para o diagnóstico de disfunção miccional foi estimado neste grupo. Resultados: O percentual de disfunção miccional entre as crianças e adolescentes atendidos por enurese no Ambulatório de Urodinâmica do Instituto Fernandes Figueira foi de 94,5%. A anamnese identificou 97,3% dos pacientes com sintomas urinários diurnos. Apenas 2,7% dos pacientes apresentaram aumento da freqüência urinária detectado apenas pelo mapa da micção. O valor preditivo positivo da presença de sintomas urinários diurnos para o diagnóstico de disfunção miccional foi de 98,6%. Houve associação, estatisticamente significante, entre sintomas urinários diurnos e disfunção miccional (p < 0,005), e o risco de a urodinâmica estar alterada foi de cerca de 20 vezes maior na presença destes. Conclusões: A presença de sintomas urinários diurnos apresentou um elevado valor preditivo positivo para disfunção miccional. A anamnese foi um instrumento útil para a detecção dos sintomas urinários diurnos, contribuindo para o diagnóstico de disfunção miccional.
Objectives: To estimate the predictive value of diurnal voiding symptoms for the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction in enuretic children and teenagers receiving care at Fernandes Figueira Institute (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Methods: From June 1999 to May 2002, 91 patients (aged 5-17 years) with enuresis, both monosymptomatic and polysymptomatic, were assessed based on medical history, voiding chart, physical examination, and urodynamic studies. The medical history was investigated for detection of diurnal voiding symptoms. The predictive value of these symptoms for the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction was estimated. Results: Bladder dysfunction was observed in 94.5% of the children and teenagers with enuresis. Medical history identified 97.3% of patients with diurnal voiding symptoms. Increased discharge of urine was detected exclusively by voiding chart in only 2.7% of the patients. The positive predictive value of diurnal voiding symptoms for bladder dysfunction was 98.6%. There was a statistically significant association between diurnal voiding symptoms and bladder dysfunction (p < 0.005). The risk for bladder dysfunction was approximately 20 times higher in presence of these symptoms. Conclusions: The presence of diurnal voiding symptoms was a strong predictor of bladder dysfunction. Medical history was a useful instrument for detecting diurnal voiding symptoms and establishing the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction.
Objectives: To estimate the predictive value of diurnal voiding symptoms for the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction in enuretic children and teenagers receiving care at Fernandes Figueira Institute (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Methods: From June 1999 to May 2002, 91 patients (aged 5-17 years) with enuresis, both monosymptomatic and polysymptomatic, were assessed based on medical history, voiding chart, physical examination, and urodynamic studies. The medical history was investigated for detection of diurnal voiding symptoms. The predictive value of these symptoms for the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction was estimated. Results: Bladder dysfunction was observed in 94.5% of the children and teenagers with enuresis. Medical history identified 97.3% of patients with diurnal voiding symptoms. Increased discharge of urine was detected exclusively by voiding chart in only 2.7% of the patients. The positive predictive value of diurnal voiding symptoms for bladder dysfunction was 98.6%. There was a statistically significant association between diurnal voiding symptoms and bladder dysfunction (p < 0.005). The risk for bladder dysfunction was approximately 20 times higher in presence of these symptoms. Conclusions: The presence of diurnal voiding symptoms was a strong predictor of bladder dysfunction. Medical history was a useful instrument for detecting diurnal voiding symptoms and establishing the diagnosis of bladder dysfunction.
EnureseIncontinência Urinária
Estudos Transversais
Razão de Chances
Valor Preditivo dos Testes
Intervalos de Confiança
Transtornos Urinários