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Pressão Arterial
Processos Hemodinâmicos
Limites: Humanos
Silva Neto, Walter Viterbo da | Date Issued:
Escola Bahiana de Medicina e Saúde Pública. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, Bahia, Brasil.
Abstract in Portuguese
Devido à alta prevalência da hipertensão arterial sistêmica, ao aumento da expectativa de vida e ao aprimoramento dos métodos diagnósticos e das técnicas cirúrgicas, esta co-morbidade tomou-se comum em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia sob anestesia geral. Os objetivos deste estudo foram, primariamente, avaliar o comportamento das variáveis hemodinâmicas dos pacientes hipertensos tratados durante a indução anestésica e, secundariamente, avaliar a influência das terapias anti-hipertensivas nestes pacientes. Estudo observacional comparando as variações hemodinâmicas ocorridas durante a indução anestésica entre pacientes hipertensos e normotensos, escalados para cirurgias eletivas independente do porte cirúrgico, submetidos à anestesia geral. A coleta das variáveis hemodinâmicas, pressão arterial sistólica (PAS), pressão arterial diastólica (PAD) e freqüência cardíaca (FC) foi realizada em quatro momentos consecutivos: Momento preparo (MP - controle); momento droga (MD - 1 minuto após a administração de fármacos anestésicos); momento laringoscopia/intubação (ML - imediatamente após a laringoscopia e intubação orotraqueal); e momento laringoscopia/intubação 5 mm (ML5 - 5 minutos após a laringoscopia e intubação orotraqueal). Resultados A amostra foi composta por 128 pacientes, 64 no grupo de pacientes hipertensos (GH) e 64 no grupo de pacientes normotensos (GN). Os dados demográficos e clínicos foram semelhantes entre os grupos. Houve diminuição da PAD no momento MD em ambos os grupos, com menor redução percentual no GH (18,3 ± 14,0% versus 23,0 ± 1 1,4%, p=O,O4.). Houve aumento das PAS e PAD no momento ML em ambos os grupos, com menores elevações percentuais no GH (8,2 ± 16,3% versus 18,2 ± 21,2%, p< O,Ol; 8,6 ± 20,2% versus 25,0 ± 27,9%, p< O,Ol; respectivamente para PAS e PAD). Quanto à PAS e PAD, após ML5, não houve diferença entre os grupos. Quanto à FC não houve diferença entre os grupos. Comparado ao GN, o GH em uso de beta-bloqueadores apresentou menores reduções percentuais das PAS e PAD após MD (13,3% versw 17,7%, p=O,04; 12,5% versw 22,1%, p< O,O1; respectivamente para PAS e PAD); menores elevações percentuais das PAD e FC após ML (9,1% verst 21,9%, p=O,03; 58,1% verst 67,7%, p=O,O2; respectivamente para PAD e FC). O GH em uso de diuréticos apresentou reduções percentuais dos níveis pressóricos semelhantes ao GN após MD (26,5% versus 17,7%, p=O,l 26,3% versus 22,1%, p=O,’14; respectivamente para PAS e PAD); menores elevações percentuais dos níveis pressóricos após ML (5,7% versus 13,0%, p=0,02; 13,7% versus 21,9%, p=0,02; respectivamente para PAS e PAD). O GH em uso de inibidores da enzima conversora de angiotensina apresentou maior redução percentual da PAS após MD (30, 1 % versus 1 7,7%, p=O,O4); menores elevações percentuais da PAS e PAD após ML (7,7% versus 13,0%, p=O,04; 9,7% versus 21,9%, p=O,04; respectivamente para PAS e PAD). Os pacientes hipertensos tratados com níveis pressóricos controlados, especialmente em uso de beta-bloqueadores, apresentaram maior estabilidade hemodinâmica durante indução anestésica.
Background: Due to the high prevalence of high blood pressure, to the increase of the life expectation and the improvement of the diagnostic methods and of the surgical techniques, hypertension is a common comorbity in patients submitted to surgery under general anesthesia. Objectives: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the hemodynamic variables in hypertensive patients trated submitted to the general anesthesia Material and Methods: A observational study comparing the hemodynamic variations during the anesthetic induction between hypertensive and normotensive patients, submitted to elective surgeries, under general anesthesia. The collection of the hemodynamic variables, systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBF) and heart rate (HR) was accomplished in four consecutive moments: Preparation moment (PM - it controls); Drugs moment (DM - 1 minute after the administration of anesthetic drugs); Laringoscopy/intubation moment (ML - immediately after the laryngoscopy and intubation tracheal); and 5 min laringoscopy/intubation moment (MLS - 5 minutes after the laryngoscopy and intubation tracheal). Results: The sample was composed by 128 patient, 64 in the group of hypertensive patient (Gh) and 64 in the group of normotensive patient (Gn). The demographic and doctors data were similar among the groups. When MP was compared with MD there was decrease of DBP in both groups, with smaller variation in Gh (18,3 ± 14,0% versus 23,0 ± 11,4%, p=0,04). There were increase of the SBP, DBP and MBP in the moment ML in both groups, with smaller variation in Gh, in relation to MD (8,2 ± 16,3% versus 18,2 ± 21,2%, p~0,00; 8,6 ± 20,2% versus 25,0 ± 27,9%, p~0,00; 8,2 ± 17,0% versus 21,5 ± 22,8%, p~0,00; respectively for SBP, DBP and MBP). With relationship to HR and Sp02 there was no difference among the groups. Compared to Gn, Gh in use of beta- blocking presented smaller variation of the SBP, DBP and MBP after MD in relation to MP (13,3% versus 17,7%, p=0,04; 12,5% versus 22,1%, p~0,00; 12,2% versus 19,4%, p~0,00; respectively for SBP, DBP and MBP); smaller variation of DBP and HR after ML in relation to MD (9,1% versus 21,9%, p = 0,03; 58,1% versus 67,7%, p=0,02) and variations of the levels pressure similar to Gn after ML in relation to MP (4,2% versus 3,1%, p=0,99; 3,4% versus 2,3%, p=0,64; 3,8% versus 3,1%, p=0,75; respectively for SBP, DBP and MBP). Gh in diuretics use presented variations of the levels pressure similar to Gn after MD in relation to MP (26,5% versus 17,7%, p=0,12; 26,3% versus 22,1%, p=0,44; 26,0% versus 19,4%, p=0,28; respectively for SBP, DBP and MBP); smaller variations of the levels pressure after ML in relation to MD (5,7% versus 13,0%, p=0,02; 13,7% versus 21,9%, p=0,02; 11,3% versus 18,4%, p=0,02; respectively for SBP, DBP MBP). Gh in use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition presented larger variation of the SBP after MD in relation to MP (30,1% versus 17,7%, p=0,04); smaller variations of the SBP and DBP after ML in relation to MD (7,7% versus 13,0%, p=0,04; 9,7% versus 21,9%, p=0,04; respectively for SBP and DBP) Conclusions: The hypertensive patients under treatment presented smaller variations of DBP after the administration of anesthetic drugs and of the SBP, DBP and MBP after the laringoscopy/intubation than the normotensive patients. On the other hand, they presented larger variations, clinically irrelevants, when compared the preparation moment and immediately after laringoscopy/intubation moment. There was no difference among the groups related to the variation of the heart rate and of the saturation of O2 of the hemoglobin, especially considering hypertensive patients in use of beta-blocking, who presented larger hemodynamic stability during anesthetic induction than the normotensive patients.
Keywords in Portuguese
Pressão Arterial
Processos Hemodinâmicos
Limites: Humanos