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Sustainable Development Goals
01 Erradicação da pobreza10 Redução das desigualdades
11 Cidades e comunidades sustentáveis
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Programa Bolsa Família
Região Metropolitana
Fatores Socioeconômicos
Fatores Demográficos
Bolsa Familia Program
Metropolitan Region
Socioeconomic Factors
Demographic Factors
Costa, Luciana Moura Martins | Date Issued:
Alternative title
The influence of the Bolsa Família Program on homicides in the nine first-level metropolitan regions of Brazil from 1996 to 2015Author
Fundação Oswaldo Cruz. Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública Sergio Arouca. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil.
Abstract in Portuguese
No Brasil, a violˆencia ´e um t´opico constantemente abordado pelos meios de comunica¸c˜ao. Este problema priva as pessoas do direito de ir e vir nas suas rotinas de ida
ao trabalho, escola e afazeres e tamb´em nos seus momentos de lazer. E not´orio o seu ´
crescimento nas grandes cidades, principalmente ao observarmos as taxas de homic´ıdios,
colocando o Brasil na nona coloca¸c˜ao no ranking mundial em rela¸c˜ao a esta taxa. A
desigualdade do Brasil ´e uma caracter´ıstica social e um dos precursores da violˆencia e
dos homic´ıdios, sendo observada em maior intensidade nas Regi˜oes Metropolitanas. O
Programa Bolsa Fam´ılia nasce a partir de um novo conceito para tratar a pobreza e
a desigualdade no Brasil: inserir socialmente as fam´ılias pobres. Ao complementar a
renda dessas fam´ılias em condi¸c˜ao de pobreza, inserindo-as nas pol´ıticas de educa¸c˜ao,
sa´ude e assistˆencia social, possibilita a conscientiza¸c˜ao de seus direitos sociais e colabora para a sa´ıda da situa¸c˜ao de vulnerabilidade ocasionada pela pobreza. O objetivo
desta disserta¸c˜ao foi investigar a associa¸c˜ao entre o PBF e os homic´ıdios nas nove regi˜oes
metropolitanas brasileiras de primeiro n´ıvel no per´ıodo de 1996 a 2015. Para isso, constru´ımos dois indicadores: a propor¸c˜ao de fam´ılias beneficiadas e a taxa de cobertura do
PBF. O primeiro indicador foi calculado pela raz˜ao entre o n´umero de fam´ılias beneficiadas pelo PBF e a quantidade de fam´ılias para cada RM. Este indicador foi categorizado
em cinco faixas: Baixa (referˆencia), M´edia Baixa, M´edia, M´edia Alta e Alta, com base
nos quintis de todas RM. O segundo indicador foi calculado atrav´es da raz˜ao entre o
n´umero de fam´ılias beneficiadas pelo PBF e a quantidade de fam´ılias eleg´ıveis para o
recebimento do PBF. Tamb´em foi categorizado em trˆes faixas: Baixa (referˆencia), M´edia
e Alta. Na RM do Rio de Janeiro, as categorias de m´edia baixa, m´edia e m´edia alta
do primeiro indicador foram associadas `a redu¸c˜ao dos homic´ıdios em rela¸c˜ao ao baixo
recebimento das fam´ılias, controlados pelo ´Indice de Vari´aveis Socioeconˆomicos e Demogr´aficos (IVSD), (RR:0,802 IC95%:0,728-0,885; RR:0,688 IC95%:0,600-0,788; RR:0,703
IC95%:0,604-0,816). Da mesma forma que a alta taxa da cobertura do PBF, controlado
pelo IVSD (RR:0,804 IC95%:0,678-0,945). As faixas m´edia baixa e m´edia do primeiro
indicador na RM de S˜ao Paulo apresentaram uma associa¸c˜ao inversa com os homic´ıdios
em compara¸c˜ao `a categoria de base, ajustada pelo IVSD (RR:0,856 IC95%:0,761-0,964;
RR:0,780 IC95%:0,631-0,966). Essa rela¸c˜ao tamb´em foi observada nas m´edias e altas coberturas do PBF (RR:0,832 IC95%:0,730-0,961; RR:0,753 IC95%:0,658-0,872). Na regi˜ao
metropolitana de Bel´em, foram encontradas associa¸c˜oes diretas. A faixa m´edia alta do
primeiro indicador apresenta uma associa¸c˜ao direta nos homic´ıdios quando comparada
com a baixa propor¸c˜ao de benef´ıcios, ajustada pelo IVSD (RR:1,521 IC95%:1,136-2,035).
Quando h´a m´edia ou alta cobertura do PBF, a dire¸c˜ao ´e a mesma sobre a taxa de homic´ıdios quando comparada com a baixa cobertura, controlada pelo IVSD (RR:1,322
IC95%:1,071-1,620; RR:1,493 IC95%:1,126-1,961). N˜ao foram observados resultados significativos para a influˆencia do PBF nas demais regi˜oes metropolitanas de primeiro n´ıvel
do Brasil.
In Brazil, violence is a topic constantly addressed by the media. This problem deprives people of the right to come and go in their work, school and chores routines as
well as in their leisure time. Its growth in big cities is notorious, especially when we
look at homicide rates, placing Brazil in the ninth place in the world ranking in relation
to this rate. Brazil is inequality is a social characteristic and one of the precursors of
violence and homicide, being observed in greater intensity in the Metropolitan Regions.
The Bolsa Familia Program is born from a new concept to address poverty and inequality
in Brazil: social inclusion of poor families. By complementing the income of these families in poverty, inserting them in the education, health and social assistance policies, it
enables the awareness of their social rights and contributes to the removal of the situation
of vulnerability caused by poverty. The aim of this dissertation was to investigate the
association between the BFP and homicides in the nine first level Brazilian metropolitan
regions from 1996 to 2015. For this, it was built two indicators: the proportion of benefited families and the rate of coverage of the BFP. The first indicator was calculated by the
ratio between the number of families benefited by the BFP and the number of families
for each MR. This indicator was categorized into five ranges: Low(reference), Mediumlow, Medium, Medium-high and High, based on the quintiles of all the MR. The second
indicator, calculated by the ratio between the number of families benefited by the BFP
and the number of families eligible to receive the BFP, was also categorized into three
ranges: Low(reference), Medium and High. In the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro,
the categories medium-low, medium and medium-high average proportion of families benefited by the BFP were associated to the reduction of homicides in relation to the low
income of the families, controlled by the Socioeconomic and Demographic Variables Index
(SDVI) 0,802 IC 95%: 0,728-0,885; RR: 0,688 IC 95%: 0,600-0,788; RR 0,703 IC 95%:
0,604-0,816). Similarly, the high rate of coverage of the BFP, controlled SDVI (RR: 0,804
IC95%: 0,678-0,945) showed the same pattern. The medium-low and medium categories
of the proportions of families benefited in the MR of S˜ao Paulo showed an inverse association in homicides compared to the baseline category, adjusted by the SDVI (RR: 0,856
IC95 %: 0,761-0,964; RR: 0,780 IC95 % : 0,631-0,966). The same relationship also was
observed in the medium and high coverage of the BFP (RR: 0,832 IC95 %: 0,730-0,961;
RR: 0,753 IC95 %: 0,658-0,872). In the metropolitan region of Bel´em, were found inverses
results. The medium-high category of the proportion of BFP beneficiary families has a
direct association in homicides compared to the low-proportion of benefits (RR: 1,521
95% CI: 1,136-2,035). When there is medium or high coverage of the PBF the direction
is the same as the homicide rate when compared to the low coverage, controlled by the
SDVI (RR: 1,322 IC95 %: 1,071-1,620; RR: 1,493 IC95 %: 1,126-1,961 ). We did not
observe significant results for the influence of BFP in the other metropolitan regions of
first level of Brazil.
Keywords in Portuguese
HomicídiosPrograma Bolsa Família
Região Metropolitana
Fatores Socioeconômicos
Fatores Demográficos
HomicideBolsa Familia Program
Metropolitan Region
Socioeconomic Factors
Demographic Factors